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What they say

Our testimonials: what people have to say about our focus on marine protected areas.

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Rory Moore
Blue Marine Foundation

The Aeolian Islands

We have used your funding contribution to purchase 5000 ‘MORE FISH-LESS PLASTIC’ reusable bags, which are en route to Salina Island. In September, we will have a big push to make Salina plastic bag free. It’s a great initiative and I will keep you updated. We’re getting the press behind this and making a real statement - setting an example in the Mediterranean.


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Bernard Fautrier

Fondation Prince Albert II

Mediterranean Monk Seals

The funds received through the support of Switzerland for the Oceans has permitted to reinforce the protection of the critically endangered Mediterranean Monk seal around the island of Gyaros, Greece. It has strengthened the work of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, for the conservation of this safe haven, sheltering the densest population of Monk seals in the world. 
Switzerland for the Oceans has also played a role for the meeting of Monk seal’s experts during the Monaco Ocean Week and hopefully will continue to be part of the actions to ensure a bright future to this unique animal. 


Vera Bürgi



Wer wahrhaft radikal sein will, muss Hoffnung wecken statt Verzweiflung nähren – dieses Zitat des britischen Dramatikers Raymond Williams begleitet die Arbeit von OceanCare zur Verminderung der Verschmutzung der Meere mit Plastikmüll. Unser Engagement ist auch möglich, dank der wertvollen Zuwendung und motivierenden Unterstützung von Switzerland for the Oceans. Wir danken Charles Barber und seinem Team sehr herzlich, dass sie im Rahmen der Charity-Fahrradtour von 2017 mitgeholfen haben, die Meere sauberer und lebendiger zu machen. Und die Probleme dort anzugehen, wo sie entstehen: An den Wurzeln. Denn genau das ist Radikalität im Wortsinn.

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Charles Barber (Chairman)

Switzerland for the Oceans

"Everyone on our planet is a stakeholder in the oceans. Switzerland as a country is connected to the oceans by way of trade, commerce, and ecosystem. I conceived Switzerland for the Oceans as a vehicle to share and develop that understanding."

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